Basically, the procedure is the same that would happen in a veterinary clinic, we are just doing it in a setting that is more comfortable for you and your pet.

When I get to your home, I will go over the procedure in detail with anyone who wishes to be present.  There is plenty of time for questions.  We will complete paperwork and payment at this time as well.

I can work wherever everyone is most comfortable (all I require is light to work by).  I do not need any special set-up.  I give every patient a sedative first (it just goes in like a vaccine, and once it takes effect, your pet will not even know the second injection is happening).

I bring all the medical supplies that I need.  One thing you may want to consider having on hand is an old towel or blanket (after the procedure, your pet may lose its bladder).

There is no set time frame. I do my best not to rush anyone. The procedure itself can take varying amounts of time, because the sedative can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to take complete effect. I am with families anywhere from 20-90 minutes.

If I will be helping your family with transport to the crematory, I will give you time to say final goodbyes, if you wish, and then we will move your pet to my car when everyone is ready.

I recently had a client who wished to photograph the procedure. He and his family have graciously offered to share the photos with me so that families can use Nacho’s experience if they want to know in advance what to expect. Please click here to see the photos.

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